While COVID-19 has certainly had a critical impact on the construction industry, this might actually be the ideal time to hire new employees. After the threat from the coronavirus dwindles down, the talent shortage in the industry will remain. Taking a proactive approach to hiring now can put you at an advantage. Below are some reasons why now may be an ideal time to hire and how you can get ahead of the curve.
What We’ve Learned from the Past
Historically, most periods of economic hardship are followed by periods of growth and opportunity. In the aftermath of COVID-19, businesses will start to bounce back and the demand for construction projects will likely rise. In the past, disasters similar in extent to the current pandemic lead nation’s to reevaluate their infrastructure and resilience. Construction projects will be essential to ensuring the U.S. has the hospital capacity needed to cope with future health scares. Many businesses will also want to renovate their workspaces, so they are better equipped to handle social distancing regulations.
Take Advantage of the Mistakes Other Firms Are Making
Whenever there is a sense of economic uncertainty, it is a natural instinct to lay off employees to cut costs. But unless your construction firm was performing below average before the coronavirus pandemic began, this could be a big mistake. Many firms have been laying off employees during the quarantine, which means there is now a much larger pool of talent searching for job opportunities. In construction, skilled labor is limited, so smart firms will take advantage of the situation and hire top talent now when the talent shortage is less severe. Then, when the economy does open back up completely, you will have an edge over your competitors who reacted out of fear.
Focus on Hard-to-Fill Positions
Every construction firm has positions that are especially difficult to hire for. This is the ideal time to recruit talent for these positions. Unemployment is temporarily high, so these positions will be easier to find talent for than they would be otherwise. While recruiting is going to be a unique experience during the pandemic, it’s still possible. Recruiting firms that specialize in construction will have an easier time matching candidates to your firm during this time, and will be adept at using technology like video platforms to host interviews.
One of the signs of a great leader is the ability to have foresight during times of adversity. While laying off employees may seem like the safe bet, now might actually be the ideal time to hire new construction talent. You want your firm to be in the right position to bounce back stronger than ever when the economy reopens.
How can we help you?
Searching for an opportunity in the construction industry? Contact The Birmingham Group’s team of seasoned commercial construction recruiters today to discuss your career path or browse our open positions.
Are you a hiring authority needed construction talent? Submit a search request today.