Do you look around and wonder what makes the better construction companies stand out? Do you wonder how your competition selects its employees?

It is easy to say that the right team members will make the difference between a business that thrives and one that sinks. When it comes to a construction company, there are several things to consider.

Some interview questions will help you get a better idea of your candidate during the recruitment process. To make sure you are hiring the best people for your company, consider these three types of interview questions.

Ask Questions to Highlight Past Projects

You want candidates that can tackle problems that come their way. Asking about past projects will give you insight into how they navigate through challenges and how they will work with your company.

Specifically, ask about:

  • What made them stand out
  • What they thought they did well
  • What they thought they could do differently

Hard and Soft Skills

Asking your candidate about their various hard and soft skills gives you an idea of the experience you can expect them to have. Some hard skills they may have include:

  • Construction certifications
  • Math and blueprint interpretation capabilities
  • Technical building knowledge

Make sure you ask candidates specific questions that help illustrate just what they know in these different areas of expertise.

Some soft skills you can expect new hires to have include:

  • Leadership skills
  • Work ethic
  • Time management
  • Communication skills

Asking questions about the projects they championed and how they managed project timelines will give you an idea of their strengths and weaknesses.

First and Final Steps with Projects

To get a feel for their expertise and how they manage issues, ask your candidates about how they work through projects. You can ask them to describe how they begin a project and assess their time management and organizational skills.

Look into how many projects they have managed well and how confident they are in their outcomes. Ask what they do when the project falls behind and a customer is displeased. Make sure to get an idea of how they handle project plans, as well as customer satisfaction. This will give you better insight into the role they are best suited for in your business.


Learning what questions to ask candidates is an important part of recruiting for your construction company. In fact, construction recruiters regularly focus on questions within the above categories. Remember that knowing what to look for in the answer is as important as knowing what to ask candidates.

Are you a hiring authority in need of construction talent? Submit a search request today.