Strong communication is a requirement that you’ll find listed on nearly every job posting regardless of the industry. Increased career opportunities and professional success are often directly attributed to being a powerful communicator. Although mindless talkers might be great at socializing, it doesn’t automatically mean they are powerful communicators. In fact, learning how to effectively deliver your message requires practice and recognizing what is working or not working. These techniques can help you improve your communication for career success.
- Use different approaches based on who you’re communicating with. You’re going to encounter many different colleagues and leaders over your career. But you can’t communicate with everyone the same way. Most powerful communicators deal with people based on their behavioral types that range from directors and socializers to thinkers and relaters. For instance, since directors are focused more on results, you should stick to business and get directly to the point when talking to them. Dealing with socializers takes a different approach that calls for being friendly and building rapport. Thinkers are focused on data, so you want to try to be realistic and accurate when working alongside them. You want to be patient and show sincerity when dealing with colleagues classified as relaters.
- Be an active listener. Strong communicators know the difference between passive and active listening. Instead of listening without reacting, you can really take your listening skills to the next level by making eye contact with the person talking and responding to make sure that the message was understood. But listening skills should be applied to the words that you are speaking as well. Try to and replace diminishing words with additive language. Listening is another skill that takes regular practice to improve.
- Choose your words wisely. Most people say more than they need to and usually fail to get their points across. Powerful communicators rely on essential and specific words to avoid confusing listeners. If you are planning a speech, then just be honest, avoid gossip, don’t exaggerate, and use peaceful language. More importantly, you really must deliver your message with passion in order to keep listeners attentive.
The key takeaway is that powerful communication takes more than the “gift of gab.” Construction jobs are full of people with different behavior types, and when you learn what they are, focused communication will be easier. Finally, instead of just hearing people when they are talking, show your respect by being an active listener.
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