Candidates who are considering a career in the construction industry are likely privy to the ongoing labor crisis. Since construction professionals are in constant demand, creating a sharp resume should be the first step when searching for a construction job. A good resume provides potential candidates with an opportunity to make a positive first impression and sets the state for the interview process. When you land an interview, seize the moment to highlight your achievements and ask good questions. Here are some tips to follow for a construction interview.
Honesty First
First off, make sure your resume is honest. It can be very tempting for candidates to exaggerate their skills or accomplishments, but this is off-limits. There will be a background check. A growing number of employers contract with background check companies that are tasked with finding possible discrepancies in education, work history, criminal history, and so forth.
- Don’t falsify degrees or time periods that you worked at a certain company.
- Provide current references for the last 5 to 10 years. These should be people that you reported directly to. Include past clients or supervisors.
Put Your Best Foot Forward in Your Interview
Having a polished résumé can be a valuable tool that helps you stand apart from the competition, but it’s also just one piece of the puzzle. In order to be considered for those construction jobs that they’ve always dreamed of, candidates also need to prepare effective interview strategies. Since the interview process continues to evolve, with different questions and techniques constantly being introduced, it’s also necessary for you to adapt and prepare for these changes. There are a variety of useful interview tips candidates should keep in mind when preparing to meet with employers. There are some common mistakes that candidates make during the interview process, that you can avoid.
- Don’t discuss salary and benefits. Rather than providing any specific salary requirements during the interview, it’s important to communicate that you are flexible and that other issues are also valuable to you (upward mobility, longevity, etc.)
- No lying or embellishing. Since it’s a small industry it’s very likely that most hiring managers will already have connections with your previous employers. Plus, today’s background checks are exceedingly meticulous.
- Dress in business-casual. This depends on the respective position, but a sport coat and tie, polo, and slacks is a safe option.
- Avoid being evasive. You don’t want them to think, “what are they hiding?”
Ask Relevant Questions
Research the company’s mission and values, history, job responsibilities, etc. Candidates can encounter some challenging inquires, and should have their responses prepared for everything from operational and situational questions, to role-specific questions and behavioral questions. Ask good questions such as “what are you looking for in this position?” Inquire about the first 30, 60, and 90 days and what needs to be accomplished in those intervals. If the recruiter relays any potential concerns to the client, they might have follow-up questions for the candidate, so be prepared for that if anything comes up. If you have been fired in the past, then discuss what happened in a forthright manner. Keep the discussion as positive as you can, back your position up with facts, and keep it short and sweet.
By starting your search with a professional resume (that’s been proofed multiple times), you’re putting yourself in a positive position to make a great first impression. During the interview, it’s essential to remain upfront and honest. Those candidates who are proactive, versus reactive, will always have an edge over their competition.
Are you ready to land your dream job?
If you are searching for an opportunity in the construction industry, contact The Birmingham Group today to discuss your career path or browse our open positions.