construction trends

How to Develop and Train the Workforce Needed to Rebuild America

The US is in need of a labor workforce that will bring back a strong middle-class. Collaborations between government and business can help create these opportunities. Hundreds of thousands of these skilled-trade jobs are already in demand and are going unfilled. These $20-$45 an hour jobs are left unfilled because we don't [...]

By |2017-08-30T16:57:15-04:00August 1st, 2017|Construction Blog|

Why Construction Trade Schools Are A Better Alternative To A 4-Year College

The need for secondary education is almost expected in most professions; however, a traditional 4-year college is far from your only option. Vocational and trades schools are an attractive alternative, especially for those looking to pursue construction. Construction trade schools or vocational business, technology, healthcare, and agriculture are also popular alternatives. The [...]

By |2018-01-01T14:57:22-05:00March 30th, 2017|Construction Blog|

Workforce Automation: Why The Construction Industry Will Always Require A Human Touch

Between software and equipment designed for workforce automation and the rapid advances in virtual reality, concerns for job security continue to rise across the nation. As a proactive business owner, you need to leverage technology to optimize operations and drive business outcomes. While technology can certainly create efficiencies, as part of the [...]

By |2018-01-01T14:57:22-05:00March 23rd, 2017|Construction Blog|
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