Hiring the right employees isn’t as easy as it was several decades ago and recruiting and retaining top talent is more important than ever. Here are five times you should consider working with a recruiter to provide you with legitimate returns.
1. When you want to topgrade your staff.
Make it a priority of having top players on your team. Expert construction recruiters can topgrade candidates and provide you with a comprehensive picture of their qualifications and personalities by classifying candidates as A, B, or C players.
2. When you want to grow your business or expand into a new niche.
Hiring the right people gives you a significant competitive advantage because they will help lead your company to success in the long run. The top recruiters not only help you find talent that have the right skills for construction jobs, we also consider the motivation and readiness of a candidate. Construction firms will have a difficult time growing if they are always replacing bad hires.
3. When your business is experiencing high turnover or bad retention.
Bring in a market master to present your opportunity in a way to hit the hot buttons of the candidate. If people are being fired or quitting quickly, then it could be because you’re not getting the right candidates to begin with. Even though they might have the right skills or experience on paper, they don’t always have the right make up to fit your work culture. Great recruiters use special interview techniques to help gauge how committed a new hire will be for a position.
4. When you’re attracting the wrong people.
Many organizations struggle with recruiting because they don’t have access to passive talent; they are only getting applications from those who apply directly. So, you’re probably getting dozens of resumes from job seekers that aren’t even good matches for your open positions. The right recruiters can help you access passive candidates by presenting your opportunity in a way that attracts top talent. If candidates are turning down your offers, then you might need to focus more on personalizing opportunities and talent pooling for the future.
5. When you don’t have time to do the work, prep, research, interviews, and onboarding.
That’s why a growing number of companies use an executive recruiter to streamline hiring. When there is too much time between steps, a slow hiring process will cost you talent and money. When you let too much time elapse before you contact the candidate and let them know where they stand, they are more likely to drop out of the running or not accept the offer. It can often take up to four months to fill an executive role. A skilled recruiter can accomplish this in half that time.
Recruiting quality employees is essential to the survival of any business. If you’re struggling with high turnover, then you’re attracting the wrong candidates. Recruiters can help you overcome this issue, along with many others that could be holding you back.
How can we help you?
Searching for an opportunity in the construction industry? Contact The Birmingham Group’s team of seasoned commercial construction recruiters today to discuss your career path or browse our open positions.
Are you a hiring authority in need of construction talent? Submit a search request today.