Construction companies attempting to recruit millennials will need to keep several important things in mind. While this generation wants many similar things from their job as previous generations, there are also some notable differences.
Overcoming the Stigma That Construction Jobs Have Low Salaries
One of the major challenges facing companies in search of hiring millennials is the stigma in regard to salary. Simply put, there tends to be a belief that construction jobs are not paid as well as those in other industries. This discourages people from applying, especially during economic downturns.
However, those in the industry know that this is not the case, and many roles pay very competitively. Research shows that compared to other sectors, construction pays well. On top of that, the labor shortage has led to even more competitive pay.
Overall, construction companies must pay a competitive wage and make it clear to applicants that they are doing so.
Entice Millennials With Perks and Benefits
Wages are no longer the bottom line when it comes to compensation for millennials. If you want to attract them to your construction firm, make sure to also highlight the other perks and benefits associated with working with you.
Flexibility is among the most important of these. Offering this flexibility can be especially hard for certain construction roles. In those cases, think outside of the box. Even seemingly small choices, such as what shifts to work, can do wonders at attracting talent.
Career Development
This generation also looks for opportunities to develop their careers. Even if you entice them into entry-level positions, they want opportunities to learn new construction skills and advance through the various positions.
Construction firms can also highlight the entrepreneurship possibilities once workers gain skills. The ability to eventually start their own business can be highly appealing for millennials. After all, that will give them the flexibility they want.
They also want to see perks such as the use of the latest technology. Millennials fully understand how technology can automate repetitive tasks, letting them focus on more interesting ones.
They Want to Improve the World
You will also notice that this particular generation wants to find a job that gives them a sense of meaning. They want to improve the world, so find a way to express the benefits your construction company provides to others. For example, you can highlight how your projects improve a community. Or have your construction recruiters highlight the sustainable practices of your business.
To successfully recruit millennials into construction, make sure that they understand the competitive wages in the industry. Firms must also highlight other benefits and perks, such as flexibility and room for growth. At the same time, highlight how your projects make a difference in the world, and recruiters will be better able to attract top talent.
How can we help you?
Searching for an opportunity in the construction industry? Contact The Birmingham Group’s team of seasoned commercial construction recruiters today to discuss your career path or browse our open positions.
Are you a hiring authority in need of construction talent? Submit a search request today.