Like most people, you aren’t sure what you should say when a hiring manager inquires about why you left your last job. Most people reply with a brief answer that explains the problem with the previous position, yet such responses often sound unconvincing and prove underwhelming. Let’s take a quick look at how to answer why you left your last job.
Embracing a New Challenge
Perhaps the most effective way to answer how you left your last job is to highlight that you wanted a new challenge and opportunity. Shifting to a different post provides an opportunity to expand one’s knowledge base, grow and build a skillset. The bottom line is hiring managers and business owners are also looking for ways to round their edges and expand their intellectual/skill horizons. As a result, your response that highlights your desire for a new challenge will be respected.
Pursuing Your Passion
Job-hopping is en vogue these days, but that is not an excuse to spend only a couple of months with a single employer. However, if you switch to a new job to pursue your passion or interest, your logic in making the transition is much more understandable.
Career Goal Reevaluation
Take a step back to examine your career goals; you might find they aren’t the same as they were a year or several years ago. You might have performed such a career goal reevaluation before making your career change but never publicly acknowledged it before the change.
Hiring managers respect the decision to shift to a new post after an employer refuse to provide opportunities that align with an employee’s goals. However, it is in your interest to prove to the interviewer that you are aware of what you want in your career at this moment in time. Make it clear that your period of reflection is over. You’ll find the following parties are willing to help you find a new position:
- A recruiter
- Hiringmanager
- Businessowner
- Businessmanager
- Otherindividual who influence the hiring process
A Promotion or Raise
There is no shame in accepting a promotion at another business, especially if that business pays a larger salary or provides the benefits you covet. Be honest about your desire for a promotion and the person across from you will recognize and respect your drive and work ethic.
Someone Recruited Me for the Post
Taking a job offer from a previous boss or coworker is perfectly acceptable. Professional relationships and friendships often pave the way for new professional opportunities. Make it clear that you were pursued by a former coworker/boss and your reasoning for leaving your previous post will be clearly understood.
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