Though few know it, the truth is a physician’s bedside manner shapes the likelihood of a medical malpractice lawsuit. Approachability and kindness go a long way in establishing and maintaining the rapport necessary for successful professional and social relations. Construction managers should make an effort to be more approachable. Here’s why approachability is critical if you want to be a better construction leader.

Sharing Knowledge Goes a Long Way

Information silos are problematic on a macro level as they prevent the advancement of the collective interest. Leaders who keep their knowledge a secret operate in such silos, ultimately sabotaging the entirety of the team. Construction managers willing to lend a helping hand to colleagues are much more approachable.

Spend a couple of minutes of your time helping those beneath you on the corporate totem pole. They’ll be inspired to pass on the favor to others. Above all, demonstrating a willingness to contribute to others’ problems and challenges in work makes it clear you do not hold yourself above the group regarding social status.

Interact With Team Members

Exchanging glances and smiles with co-workers when passing each other in the hallways is not enough to maintain social harmony in the workplace. Even spending a couple minutes chatting with team members in the company kitchen, break area or other social space can change their perspective of you as a leader.

Recruiters are quick to stress the importance of listening skills for construction managers, new hires, and others. Listen closely during these conversations, and attempt to identify realistic solutions to problems, and these interactions will serve as the foundation for successful future relationships within the work context. Most importantly, a willingness to socialize with the team demonstrates you are approachable, creating the rapport current and prospective employees crave.

Provide Constructive Criticism With Tact

No one enjoys being criticized. However, there is a difference between constructive criticism that is delivered discreetly, ultimately making employees better, and destructive criticism. Pay close attention to employee psychology, preferences and feedback when planning the communication of constructive criticism. Treat each contributor as the individual they are, shine the spotlight on their contributions and balance that praise with helpful, constructive criticism.

Refrain from getting emotional. Maintain your cool, and your team will be receptive to your words. Ideally, you’ll provide helpful critiques through a carefully crafted message that empowers your employees to fulfill their potential rather than embarrass them. Resist the temptation to frame feedback in a manner that makes employees feel shame and they’ll respect you all the more. Employees who respect their construction manager will be more likely to view them as approachable.

Mind the Subtleties of Communication to be a Better Construction Manager

Presenting information is just as critical as the words that come out of your mouth. Mind your tone of voice, volume, and body language when communicating. Refrain from crossing your arms or leaning in toward the other person. Remain calm, collected, civil, and friendly; those you interact with will be much more respectful and appreciative of your guidance.

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